Academic Grades

Academic grades for students shall be “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” or “I”. A brief explanation of the grades used follows: 

A -- A grade of “A” (90-100%) indicates that the student has demonstrated outstanding progress in the subject and/or the skills area. The student consistently performs academically at a level which is considerably higher than that of the typical student in the same program or course. The student has mastered skills well above those required for successful completion of the instructional program and has demonstrated an understanding of and an ability to utilize the content of the program effectively. An “A” student will have achieved and exceeded all of the instructional objectives and competencies established for the subject/course during the grading period. 

B -- A grade of “B” (80-89%) indicates that the student has demonstrated above average but not outstanding progress in the academic area. The student consistently performs at a level above that which is expected of the typical student in the same program or subject. The student has mastered content skills beyond those required for successful completion of the instructional program. The “B” student will be progressing at a rate that will enable him/her to have achieved virtually all of the instructional objectives and competencies established for the subject being graded. 

C -- A grade of “C” (70-79%) indicates average progress. The student performs at an average level in terms of mastery of skills/performance standards and/or content of the program. The student's rate of progress permits mastery of more than the minimal instructional objectives and competencies of the program. 

D -- A grade of “D” (60-69%) indicates the lowest acceptable progress in the mastery of skills and other course content and indicates that improvement is needed to achieve a satisfactory level of academic performance. The student's rate of progress is such that the minimal instructional objectives and competencies for the program will be mastered. 

F -- A grade of “F” (0-59%) indicates failure. Students functioning at this level are not mastering the minimal objectives and competencies required in the regular instructional program. 

I -- A grade of “I” (0) indicates performance insufficient to permit an evaluation. Secondary school students performing at this level may have their grade adjusted upon presentation of the required assignments. An incomplete grade for an annual or semester course must be resolved no later than two grading periods following the issuance of the incomplete grade. Extenuating circumstances may be approved by the principal.

For students in grades 9-12 the forgiveness policy for required courses is limited to replacing a grade of “D” or “F” with a grade of “C” or higher earned subsequently in the same or comparable course. The forgiveness policy for elective courses is limited to replacing a grade of “D” or “F” with a grade of “C” or higher earned subsequently in another course. In either situation when a student attempts forgiveness for a grade, only the new grade will be used to compute the student’s GPA, but the lower grade will remain on the student’s transcript and in the student’s permanent record.

Any course not replaced according to this policy shall be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average required for graduation. The only exception to these forgiveness policies shall be made for a student in the middle grades who takes a high school course for high school credit beginning in the 2007-2008 school year and earns a grade of “C,” “D,” or “F.” In such case, the forgiveness policy must allow the replacement of the grade with a grade of “C” or higher, earned subsequently in the same course or comparable course.

Students in grades who have 10 or more unexcused absences in an annual course or five or more unexcused absences in a semester course will be subject to the withholding of passing final grade(s) (“A” – “D”), pending a student/parent-requested administrative meeting and/or review of all absences by the attendance review committee.

Conduct Grades

Conduct grades are to be used to communicate clearly to both students and their parents the teacher's evaluation of a student's behavior and citizenship development. These grades are independent of academic and effort grades. The conduct grade must be consistent with the student's overall behavior in class and should not be based on a single criterion.

A -- A conduct grade of "A" reflects excellent behavior on the part of the student. The student consistently demonstrates outstanding behavior consistent with classroom, school, and district standards.

B -- A conduct grade of "B" reflects consistently good behavior. The student meets established standards for student conduct.

C -- A conduct grade of "C" reflects satisfactory behavior. The student's overall behavior is generally acceptable according to established standards of conduct.

D -- A conduct grade of "D" shows that improvement is needed in the student's overall behavior. The student does not consistently demonstrate behavior which is acceptable.

F -- A conduct grade of "F" reflects unsatisfactory behavior overall. The student regularly violates established classroom, school, or district standards of behavior.

Effort Grades

Effort grades are utilized to convey both to students and their parents the teacher's evaluation of a student's effort as related to the instructional program. These grades are independent of academic and conduct grades. In assigning an effort grade, the teacher must consider the student's potential, study habits, and attitude.

1 -- An effort grade of "1" indicates outstanding effort on the part of the student. The student will, when necessary, complete a task again in order to improve the results. The student consistently attends to assigned tasks until completed and generally exerts maximum effort on all tasks. The student consistently works to the best of his/her ability.

2 -- An effort grade of "2" indicates satisfactory effort on the part of the student. All work is approached with an appropriate degree of seriousness. The student usually finishes assignments on time and usually stays on task. The student usually works at a level commensurate with his/her ability.

3 -- An effort grade of "3" reflects insufficient effort on the part of the student. Little attention is paid to completing assignments well and/or on time or to completing them in a manner commensurate with the student's ability.

Computer Literacy

A student must successfully complete a computer education course, or a business technology course, or otherwise demonstrate mastery of basic computer literacy skills.