


Sample Student
1 Any Road
Any Town, Florida 12345


Chorus (9, 10, 12)- The concert choir has made various appearances in Disney World and entertains the community with a Cabaret concert a Winter concert and a Latin concert

Harvard Model Congress (11, 12) - This club meets annually in Boston to perform "mock" senatorial and congressional meetings.

Grade Activities Board (9, 10, 11, 12) - This Board helps organize activities for the High School and raise money for Prom It also helps organize such activities as the March of Dunes by publicizing it.

The Interact Club (9, 10-11: Treasurer 12: Communications coordinator) - This club organizes many activities such as a Safe Halloween Parade. Its purpose is to help the community.


Habitat for Humanity (12) - This organization rebuilds houses for impoverished individuals who cannot afford housing

AIDS Soup Kitchen (9, 10) -This kitchen distributes food to AIDS patients on the holidays.

Head Start Program (9. 10, 11, 12) - This program helps educate children who cannot afford normal schooling. Helped teach these children and made frequent visits to the classrooms.

Big Brother/Big Sister (12) - his program enables elementary school children to benefit from the aid of High School students. Mentored children in 2nd grade and helped their teacher with lessons.

March of Dimes (10) - This event helps raise money for babies. It is a 10-mile walk and fund-raiser.


Spanish Honor Society (11) - This prestigious award is given to Juniors and Seniors that have maintained A's throughout the entire year and have expressed excellence bi foreign language.

High Honor Roll (9, 10, 11) - High Honor Roll status is given to students who maintain above a 3.6 average.


Soccer (9) Freshman team (10), Junior Varsity (9. 10, 11)

Traveling Team Field Hockey (9) Freshman team (10), Junior Varsity

Cheerleading (11, 12) Varsity


Science Research (10. 11, 12) A program in which the student performs authentic science research in field of their choice. Researched Everglades Reclamation and worked for 90 hours in a lab at Miami Dade Community College

Everglades National Park (Summer 2014) Participated in a Pre-Collegiate Study program. Enrolled in college level course about Environmental Science. Earned an “A” and three college credits.


Camp XYZ (summer, 2013) Worked as a bunk counselor for 11 & 12 year old girls

Babysitting Worked for 2 families throughout high school

Cover Letter


Job seekers often have the misconception that the cover letter is just a formality, but in fact it’s an opportunity to give the hiring team information they’d otherwise only learn in an interview.

Pete Leibman, author of “I Got My Dream Job and So Can You,” says he always encourages job seekers to include a cover letter even if one is not requested.

The main purpose is to bring your resume to life, and to answer the two main questions employers have: why do you want the job and why should they hire you? Furthermore, it is an additional opportunity to showcase communication skills, one of the top assets that today’s employers look for in new hires. There are a few considerations.

  • Always write a cover letter. You will stand out if you write a good one.
  • Customize. Tailor the letter to the specific position
  • Keep up appearances. Your letter should be professional.
  • Keep it brief (one page).
  • Build credibility through references: “The best way to brag is to get the right people to brag for you.”
  • Enlist someone else to review the letter: “Two pairs of eyes are better than one."


Contact Information: Your Name/Address/Phone#/Email Address

Employer Contact Information

Salutation: Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name

My name is Mary Crawley, and I am a senior at the local High School. Seniors at my high school have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to an independent career exploration in an area of personal interest. Seniors receive academic credit for their internship which begins very soon. Each student is required to log in approximately 30 hours per week.

I was hoping you would give me an opportunity to volunteer at your veterinary hospital. In the future I would like to pursue a degree in veterinary medicine, and I feel that this internship is a great way to get a better understanding of my likely future career. I have previous experience shadowing Dr. Robert Hart at the Animal Medical Center.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration. My resume is attached.


Mary Crawley

Interview Questions

During an interview, the Site Supervisor wants you to know more about you, to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, to anticipate whether you can do the job and get along with supervisors and fellow workers.

They often ask standard questions to learn how you think and respond. You should be prepared to answer concisely, comfortably, and clearly.

  • "Tell me about yourself."
  • "What did you like best about school?"
  • "What were your favorite subjects?"
  • "What was your grade average?"
  • "What are your outside interests?"
  • "Why do you want to work for this company?"
  • "How do you feel about working (hours)?"
  • "How did you like growing up (with siblings, in a distant city, near the ocean, etc.)?"

Interview Secrets You Should Know

Whether you're aiming at a part-time job or the beginning of a dream career, there are some solid interview skills you need to know. These are the 32 most common mistakes that employers complain about most when a young person comes in for an interview. These are the mistakes that can sink you, the secrets that interviewers never tell you until it's too late. Here's what they said...

  • "He/she cannot fill out the employment application form". Does that mean reading is a problem or that you are too nervous? Use this time to relax and catch your breath
  • "I can’t read his/her handwriting " If you cannot write legibly, PRINT'
  • "He/she did not look well-groomed and serious about this job " That may be a polite way of saying that the applicant was a walking disaster and clearly did not understand what the world of work is about


  • Wrinkled, dirty or sloppy clothes
  • Inappropriate clothes for a job interview
  • Badly coordinated, overly colorful or casual clothes
  • Messy, poorly groomed hair
  • Un-shined, scruffy shoes or sneakers
  • For women gaudy or excessive jewelry
  • For women too much make-up
  • For men no tie or loosely knotted tie
  • For men unshaven
  • "He/she can’t hold a conversation, answer general questions or explain his/her answers in complete sentences”


  • Avoiding eve contact, looking off to the side
  • Looking grim and unsmiling
  • Interrupting while others are talking
  • Swearing, using profanity, slang or "street talk"
  • Mumbling or talking too softly
  • Talking too loudly
  • Using phrases such as "you know”, “like”, and “um” or "ahh”
  • A boring, flat, monotonous voice
  • A nasal or high-pitched voice
  • Talking too fast
  • Using poor grammar or mispronouncing words


  • "He/she couldn't sit still, constantly crossing and uncrossing his/her legs, and moving his/her arms like a windmill "
  • "He/she didn't know what to do with his/her hands. clasping and unclasping them, patting his/her hair, fumbling with his/her case"
  • Arriving late
  • Not having the appropriate forms or documents you were asked to bring
  • Not being able to demonstrate the skills or competencies required for which the applicant supposedly qualifies. This is the big blaster that can do you in no matter how cool you look and sound.


  • Shake hands firmly at the beginning and the end of the interview
  • Say "thank you" for the time the interviewer has spent with you - at the end of the interview and in a follow-up letter that should be mailed no later than the day after the interview