Course Descriptions

Workplace Essentials

Florida Department of Education - Course Description - Grades 9 - 12, Adult

Subject Area: Experiential Education
Course Number: 0500300
Course Title: Workplace Essentials
Credit: Maximum 1.0

  1. Major concepts/content. The purpose of this course is to provide a practical “hands-on approach to the work environment through direct contact with professionals in the community. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following: 
  • Discussion of professional job requirements
  • Building vocabulary appropriate to the area of professional interest
  • Develop critical decision making skills
  • Develop personal and educational job related skills
  1. Special NoteThe nature of this program requires great flexibility in the duration of
    the course and the number of contact hours. Student 
    performance standards must be designed to meet the uniqueness of the course. A student can receive no more than three elective credits in grades 9-12.
  2. Course Requirements. After successfully completing this course the passing student will:
  • Describe educational, personal and professional requirements of the profession.
  • Understand and use vocabulary appropriate to the profession.
  • Understand special needs unique to a particular profession.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of special technologies.
  • Read literature related to the profession.
  • Exhibit growth in functioning in the adult world and professional community.
  • Use appropriate decision-making techniques in exploring career possibilities.
  • Demonstrate appropriate responsible behavior in various situations.
  • Demonstrate application of academic skills in the performance of internship responsibilities.

Executive Internship I

Florida Department of Education - Course Description - grades 9 - 12, Adult

Subject Area: Experiential Education
Course Number: 0500300
Course Title: Executive Internship I
Credit: Maximum 1.0

  1. Major concepts/content. The purpose of this course is to supplement the existing curriculum by providing community internships in related fields of study. Students apply textbook learning, leadership skills, and understanding in challenging and creative professional areas. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following: 
    • Study of a variety of career options
    • Written and oral communication skills
    • Higher-level thinking skills
    • Interpersonal relationship skills
    • Factors affecting job performance
    • In-depth research study
    • Theories of executive management
    • The influence of unions
    • Economic factors affecting free enterprise
    • Knowledge of professional organizations and their impact
    • Career planning
  2. Special NoteThe nature of this program requires great flexibility in the duration of the 
    course and the number of contact hours. Student performance standards must be designed to meet the uniqueness of the course. A student can receive no more than three elective credits in grades 9-12.

3.  Intended outcomes. After successfully completing this course, the passing student will:

  • Describe a range of career options.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the organization and its function.
  • Define the role of the executive in an organization.
  • Exhibit written and oral communication skills.
  • Understand interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrate growth in maturity, independence, and self-awareness.